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The consortium truly believes that successful collaborations can fuel the growth of the AgroFood Space research and bring extraordinary benefits to Earth. Reach out and join us in our commitment towards a better and healthier planet.
Puratos nv (Coordinator)

Bert Schamp

+32 496 412 691

bschamp [at] puratos [dot] com (bschamp[at]puratos[dot]com)

Urban Crop Solutions

Maarten Vandecruys

+32 476 371 733

mava [at] urbancropsolutions [dot] com (mava[at]urbancropsolutions[dot]com)

Magics Instruments nv

Hagen Marien

+32 485 386 314

hagen [dot] marien [at] magics [dot] tech (hagen[dot]marien[at]magics[dot]tech)

Ghent University (Laboratory of Plant Ecology)

Kathy Steppe

+32 491 730   568

kathy [dot] steppe [at] ugent [dot] be (kathy[dot]steppe[at]ugent[dot]be)

SCK CEN (Expert group for Interdisciplinary BioSciences)

Natalie Leys

+32 14 332  726

Natalie [dot] Leys [at] sckcen [dot] be (Natalie[dot]Leys[at]sckcen[dot]be)

Hasselt University (Centre for Environmental Sciences)

Ann Cuypers

+32 11 26 83 26

ann [dot] cuypers [at] uhasselt [dot] be (ann[dot]cuypers[at]uhasselt[dot]be)

Flanders’ FOOD vzw

Timothy Lefeber

+32 471 301 937

Timothy [dot] Lefeber [at] flandersfood [dot] com (Timothy[dot]Lefeber[at]flandersfood[dot]com)

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